The present paper is the first of one trilogy that explores the preferences for bookstores among the Romanian readers, namely the preferences for online bookstores.

The book industry considered a traditional one faces also a considerable digital transformation of the business models and customers benefit as a consequence of a variety of products, lower prices and convenience, as they can buy from all over the country. These numbers are possible thanks to a wide internet access and the digitalization of the retail landscape and the convenience online shopping provides to the customers. In 2020, as Statista published in 2022, over two billion people purchased goods or services online, and during the same year, e-retail sales surpassed 4.2 trillion U.S. The study developed an infrastructure accessible through the internet that can be used to order books and make payments for books bought and lastly the system created a more user-friendly interface. It provided an effective and efficient book order system for customers and the system as well as provided an environment where a customer was provided with a secure mode of operation and searching platform to access books online. The study overcame the shortcomings in the existing book order systems. The plan, which was built using a private university in the North Central of Nigeria as a case study, is user-friendly, efficient, and robust. The system consists of two main sub-systems: the administrator system and the user system. The objective of this study was to develop an android-based application for ordering books.

An online book ordering system is a system that allows customers to purchase books online from a seller’s website.

An ordering system is a collection of elaborate procedures used to handle and manage the ordering process of resources.